First "Elementris" Demo Release


Recently I got back to game-dev and decided to try out new engine. After learning some basics in Godot and python here is my first small project I'm working on. I want to push it to the end for nice and playable game, although not much more content than there already is.
The game is inspired in some way on Tetris, but reverted. As it is my first own project I am aiming to end it as soon as possible and move on to other projects to learn before making something more serious, but I also want to make it feel complete and polished.

Feel free to test the game and give me any feedback on bugs or things I should change or general opinion on idea in comments here, below the game or anonymously in the poll.

Also if anyone would like to leave their game to test (which is available to play on WEB preferably) feel free to leave it along with Your comments and I'll be sure to take a look into it as a thanks for Your time :)

to do:
can hold to move
cooldown on spell
few more unlockable elements (2~4)
save system for points and best score

play again doesn't work
sometimes the water won't correctly move all enemies

water OP
air weak
walls probably shouldnt work on whole column

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